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Where does the idea for the name YogaHofid come from? From a small spark became a light

It all started with a small spark that I allowed to settle in my mind and heart. The spark became a light that I decided to nurture and look at from all sides and yogahofid got real.

falleg ljósapera með hjarta af hugmynd yogahofid

I allowed the light to live, without judging it and the ideas that

caught fire with it. The light began to shine brighter and peace grew.

After one year of pregnancy, I felt it was time to take the next one

step. - It was about to be implemented. I will admit that I had to push away the doubts inside me a few times. They sprung up

with questions like...what if....... But I reminded myself not to judge,

rather see this as an adventure that would give me the opportunity to do something

completely new and along the way I am growing. Allow the seed to germinate.

Where did the name YogaHofift come from?

tær í grasinu

I had thought about various things

names that I felt could really apply to my project. There was still nothing

which hit me in the heart and I put it aside for a while.

Then something happened when I was in Yoga

time with one who graduated with me from the Yoga program.

We were out on her patch of grass barefoot practicing yoga in beautiful weather. At the end of the time in Savasana (relaxation), the name appeared in my mind, so strong that I could not stop thinking about it afterwards.

For me it was so clear, YogaHof or

The Yoga Temple and I began to take it apart and examine its meaning.

YogaHofið vörumerkið logo

The word Yoga means "union"

or to "unite" and we talk about uniting body and mind.

The word Hof means "house of worship"

according to the dictionary of the Cultural Foundation, but for me it was "soul", my

an inner place to nurture oneself.

The word YogaHofi is therefore for me

this meaning = unification of body, mind and soul. Your inner place to nurture

to you.

Once the name was established, it was necessary to find a place to practice and be able to invite people to come and develop themselves to where YogaHofið is today.

The idea has evolved from just me teaching to inviting other teachers to enjoy the space with me. However, the philosophy is not to be a Studio, but that each teacher is on his own and takes care of his students himself, taking care of everything related to his teaching. All teachers are welcome to enjoy togetherness in the hall and work together to teach and be there for practitioners. With this comes freedom for the teacher and also for the yoga temple, the responsibility is then only the hall which is the gathering of all of us. But like so many other things in life, everything changes and you never know if the YogaHofi will transform again and in other directions.

I hope you enjoyed reading and getting to know a little about the YogaHof's process.

Dear reader

As I close this chapter of my blog, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your time and presence. Your support means a lot to me and if you enjoyed the reading my blog and listening to my podcast the Meditation Temple , send me a heart or comment on the blog, consider subscribing for more. Your commitment is at the heart of this community.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure with me.

With gratitude,

Rakel Eyfjörð


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