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Rakel Tryggvadóttir
3 min read
Reflections on TMSS YOGA Course 1. which was ending.
I am thrilled to share the success and heartwarming experience of TMSS YOGA Course 1 which just ended. The journey I went on teaching and...
Rakel Tryggvadóttir
3 min read
Returning reflection on the first week of teaching at TMSS Yoga in the class and streaming live.
Return to teaching at TMSS YOGA, first week over and reflections on the week that passed.
2 min read
A closer look at Musculoskeletal Yoga/TMSS yoga online
TMSS yoga classes are not traditional yoga classes because more attention is paid to connecting mind and body together to achieve more...
3 min read
Where does the idea for the name YogaHofid come from? From a small spark became a light
just something about my company f
3 min read
Hatha Yoga: Let's take a look at this amazing yoga style that is used in TMSS Yoga
Skemmtilegur fróðleiur um jóga og ávinningur iðkunar ,Stoðkerfisjóga og Hatha jóga sameinaður stÃll
3 min read
Vinyasa Yoga: exploring the magic of Vinyasa Yoga and its connection to TMSS Yoga
Skemmtilegur fróðleiur um jóga og ávinningur iðkunar ,Stoðkerfisjóga og Hatha jóga sameinaður stÃll
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