Reflections on TMSS YOGA Course 1. which was ending.
I am thrilled to share the success and heartwarming experience of TMSS YOGA Course 1 which just ended. The journey I went on teaching and...
Reflections on TMSS YOGA Course 1. which was ending.
Returning reflection on the first week of teaching at TMSS Yoga in the class and streaming live.
The future of yoga practice is live classes and access to them in a video folder.
TMSS YOGA is an exercise journey to better well-being!
Unlock the magic of Law of attraction: with a journey of attracting positivity- meditation
A closer look at Musculoskeletal Yoga/TMSS yoga online
The Science and History of Yoga: Unraveling the Mysteries Behind Its Ancient Practice
When the Yoga hall was found - August 2020 to have the yoga studio